- 📥️ Seed box | Inputs | items that i am / will be actively working on
- 📚️ Books
- 🐦️ Tweets
- 🎧️ Podcasts
- 🎥️ YouTube Videos
- 📰️ Articles
- 📜️ Papers
- Reading
- 🔴️
⇒ Disagree With Author
- 🟠️
⇒ Important Point By Author
- 🟡️
⇒ Interesting Point
- 🟢️
⇒ Important To Me
- 🔵️
⇒ Notes After Initial Iteration
- 🟣️
⇒ Literary Note To Lookup Later
- Incomplete will be tagged with 🧠️/📥️/📜️/🟪️ indicating that there are citations left to follow up on
- Status ^4ab1b7
- 🟥️ Not Processed
- 🟧️️ Processing
- 🟨️ Synthesizing
- 🟩️️ Completed
- 📝️ My Notes ^598c89
- 🌞️ Incubator
- items not yet ready for planting or in need of planting
- 🌱️ Sprouting ^e8678a
- for very rough and early ideas
- 🌿️ Blooming
- fledgling ideas needing to be elaborated upon further
- 🌲️ Evergreen
- Evergreens are ideas that represent significant time investment. They are refined, edited, and won’t significantly change
- Wilting
* I’ve let this get stale or outdated, and haven’t had a time to update it, but I’ll mark them with this so I can find them, and you can be aware of my intent to address them.
- ✅️ Items that have tasks that i need to complete
- 🟥️ Hard Task
- 🟧️️ Moderate Task
- 🟨️ Involved Task
- 🟩️️ Easy Task
- 🗺️ Maps of Content
- ⚙️ General utilities
- 👥️ People